Sara Sampaio e Jameela Jamil tiveram uma acesa discussão nas redes sociais, depois da manequim portuguesa ter reagido a um Tweet polémico da actriz.
A confusão instalou-se após Jameela ter publicado na sua conta de Twitter, o vídeo de um desfile de modelos plus size, com a seguinte legenda: "Oh meu Deus. Isso parece mais divertido em vez de uma adolescente faminta e aterrorizada. Bonito" (ver publicação abaixo).
Mais tarde esta acabou ainda por deixar um comentário polémico, ao afirmar que a maior parte das modelos passam fome e são drogadas, o que deixou Sara Sampaio indignada e a levou a reagir.
"Que tal celebrar alguém sem ofender outras pessoas? Chamar as modelos de adolescentes famintas e aterrorizadas é extremamente ofensivo. Vindo de alguém que está constantemente a apelar a aceitação do corpo, isso grita hipocrisia", defendeu a beldade portuense.
A discussão continuou por um bom bocado, sem que nenhuma das duas se conseguisse entender (ver discussão completa abaixo).
"Que tal celebrar alguém sem ofender outras pessoas? Chamar as modelos de adolescentes famintas e aterrorizadas é extremamente ofensivo. Vindo de alguém que está constantemente a apelar a aceitação do corpo, isso grita hipocrisia", defendeu a beldade portuense.
A discussão continuou por um bom bocado, sem que nenhuma das duas se conseguisse entender (ver discussão completa abaixo).
Oh my god 😍😍😍 this looks like the most fun, and not a long-starved terrified teenager in sight. Beautiful.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 13 de outubro de 2019
I also don’t preach “body positivity.” I talk about moving away from all talk of body, in order to combat our current pervasive issue of eating disorder culture, which is in NO small way perpetuated by the extreme thinness demanded of girls by the high fashion powers that be.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
Sara, respectfully, I don’t think this is the hill to die on. This industry is unlike other industries in that it makes professionals out of children, and informs culture and society, and is a standard set for young people everywhere. Fashion is a dangerous industry for too many.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
This idea that you should just be cute and not call out what is wrong Incase it offends people... is why change doesn’t happen faster. We have to call out what is societally wrong/dangerous, however, whenever, we can, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate or comfortable.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
Um I was a model, and a model agent and a lot of my friends are still models and agents. Who are all struggling with ongoing unrealistic standards of this industry you benefit from, which is why you are fiercely defending it, and asking me to not call out its devastating wrongs.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
I *constantly* call out the problems with the entire entertainment industry. It’s literally half my career, advocating against eating disorder culture promoted to women. Perhaps you’re new to my work. Your beloved industry is highly toxic and you’re on the wrong side here.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
I think you’re using your platform to defend something that is overwhelmingly negative for girls. That’s the only thing that is clear to me. Find a better cause to fight for, because this ain’t it. You can do more than this, you’re smart. Help girls, don’t normalize this.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
Don’t police how I choose to celebrate something or call out something problematic. I was celebrating that it’s a refreshing change, compared to the toxic fashion show norm. I’m an activist. My words aren’t cute, or easy, or inoffensive. Change doesn’t come from being polite.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
Also @SaraSampaio , you MIDUNDERSTOOD the tweet in the first place... it was Not taking aim at *kids* for being starved and afraid. It’s definitely not *their* fault. Who on EARTH would blame children? it was taking aim at this (unbelievably fucked) industry. Which is RIGHT to do— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
You also proudly work for a transphobic, fat phobic company @SaraSampaio . Victoria’s Secret is a brand that sets out to exclude most women, so I would check yourself on that before you start policing me for calling out an industry wide epidemic of harm to young girls.— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
If you’re speaking out against what your company did then GREAT. I look forward to seeing your activism on that with your big profile. You seem passionate about speaking out. So best of luck to you on helping young girls and trans people in this business. ❤️— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) 16 de outubro de 2019
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